Teun Voeten Books

teun voeten books

Ticket To

By Teun Voeten | 1991

Since 1991, Voeten has photographed conflict zones all over the world. Images from Bosnia, Sudan, Rwanda, Sierra Leone and Afghanistan appear in A Ticket To, his first photo book. Media professor Henri Beunders wrote the intro, Voeten wrote Neo-Vulturisme in Contemporary Documentary Photography. Or: Do You Remember Goma?, a sarcastic essay that has become a classic on journalistic schools about his work in the “front lines.”


Ticket To
Published 1999 by the Leiden Art Foundation and Veenman Publishers, Ede (NL), English/Dutch language
Pages: 52, hardcover
ISBN: 90 278 1547 X
Price: € 25, $ 30


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teun voeten books

In 1994, Voeten started a photo reportage on the underground homeless in New York. This eventually became his first book. ’Tunnelmensen’ (1996) was published in Dutch by Atlas, Amsterdam. It appeared in an updated and translated version in 2010 in the USA.

Voeten made three photo books: ‘A Ticket To’ (1999), a dark, somber book with black and white photos from the conflicts in Afghanistan, Bosnia, Rwanda and Sierra Leone. ‘Narco Estado, Drug Violence in Mexico’ (2012) depicts the horrible violence in strong color photos. 'New York, New York' (2005, 2021) features his architectural work he has been shooting since 1989.

After being nearly killed by doped up child soldiers in the civil war in Sierra Leone, Voeten wrote ‘How de Body? Hope and Horror in Sierra Leone’ which appeared in the Netherlands (2000) and the USA (2002). A Chines translation is in the making.

His PhD research resulted in the academic publication ‘The Mexican Drug Violence Hybrid Warfare, Predatory Capitalism and the Logic of Cruelty’ (2018). A Dutch journalistic version appeared the same year. In 2020, Small Wars Journal/El Centro published a completely rewritten, edited and updated version of this study.

In 2019, the city of Antwerp commissioned him to research drug related crime. This resulted eventually in ‘DRUGS. Antwerpen in de greep van de Nederlandse syndicaten’ (2020).

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