Teun Voeten Books

devils drug crystal meth teun voeten

drug van de duivel teun voeten

THE DEVIL'S DRUG. The Global Emergence of Crystal Meth

By Teun Voeten | 2024

Crystal meth is one of the most addictive drugs in the world. Heavy users ruin themselves in a few months. Originally, the Nazis gave it to their troops to fight the Blitzkrieg. Now it has conquered the world and is used at sex parties in Amsterdam, by former hippies in Prague, by the underclass in the slums of Harare, Cape Town and Peshawar, by truck drivers in Thailand and labourers in the sweatshops in Bangladesh. The largest production centers are located in Mexico and Myanmar. But in recent years, one lab after another has been rolled up in the border region of Belgium and the Netherlands.

Researcher Teun Voeten researched for two years many sides of the diabolic drug. He explored the bizar history and pharmacological properties of the drug, he spoke to homeless addicts in Tijuana and Los Angeles, visited the cartels in Mexico, international drug experts in Bangkok and Kabul, the original crystal meth cooks in Prague, depressed participants of gay orgies in Amsterdam, Dutch speed dealers in Tilburg and the world-famous underground chemist Uncle Fester in Wisconsin.

This book is a strong analysis but above all a strong warning. With a combination of deep investigative journalism, daring fieldwork and colorful sketches, Voeten draws a very detailed but above all disturbing picture of a drug that is rapidly gaining in popularity.


DRUG VAN DE DUIVEL. De wereldwijde opmars van Crystal Meth
By Teun Voeten | 2022


DRUG VAN DE DUIVEL. De wereldwijde opmars van Crystal Meth
Published September 2022 by Pelckmans Publishers, Antwerpen
Dutch language, Paperback
Pages: 286
ISBN: 978-94-6401-550-8
Price: 22.50 euro

US English edition in production


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teun voeten books

In 1994, Voeten started a photo reportage on the underground homeless in New York. This short project became a long story and finally evolved in a book. In 1996, ‘Tunnelmensen’ was published in Amsterdam. It appeared in an updated and translated version in 2010 in the USA.

Voeten made two photo books: ‘A Ticket To’ (1999) a dark, somber book with black and white photos from the conflicts in Afghanistan, Bosnia, Rwanda and Sierra Leone. ‘Narco Estado, Drug Violence in Mexico’ is a book where color photos depict the horrible violence.

After nearly being killed by doped up child soldiers in the civil war in Sierra Leone, Voeten wrote ‘How de Body? Hope and Horror in Sierra Leone’ which appeared in the Netherlands (2000) and the USA (2002). A Chines translation is in the making.

His PhD research resulted in the academic publication ‘The Mexican Drug Violence Hybrid Warfare, Predatory Capitalism and the Logic of Cruelty’. and a Dutch journalistic book which will appear in September 2018.

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